109 research outputs found

    Struttura dei popolamenti fitoplanctonici

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    Not availableStruttura e studio della distribuzione orizzontale dei popolamenti fitoplanctonici; Variazioni della biomassa algale; Variazioni della distribuzione spaziale dei popolamenti fitoplanctonic

    Tra Grecia e Oriente: geografie identitarie dell'immaginario russo nel periodo simbolista

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    L\u2019idea centrale della presente indagine \ue8 che il periodo simbolista russo abbia riformulato la propria identit\ue0 culturale in termini simbolici di trasferimento dell\u2019identit\ue0 spaziale, plasmando e utilizzando in chiave identitaria un luogo immaginario, una \u201cregione psichica\u201d formata da una sovrapposizione di mondo greco classico e Oriente. Lo studio rientra nell\u2019ambito delle riconsiderazioni da un punto di vista spaziale dei fenomeni del modernismo occidentale, avendo come obiettivo l\u2019inserimento del fenomeno simbolista russo all\u2019interno del pi\uf9 vasto modernismo europeo. L\u2019indagine affianca lo studio di testi letterari e teorici e dell\u2019arte visuale all\u2019analisi di mappe geografiche; queste ultime sono presentate in due accezioni differenti, essendo, a seconda dei casi, oggetto di indagine o strumento critico elaborato a posteriori. Per delineare un contesto pi\uf9 ampio, oltre alle opere del canone simbolista, sono inclusi nello studio testi non strettamente riconducibili al movimento stesso, ma attinenti al relativo periodo storico: discorsi dell\u2019ideologia dominante e imperiale, scritti odeporici da posizioni marginali e minoritarie, studi geografici di anarchici e scienziati.The aim of the dissertation is to show how the Russian symbolist period reformulated its cultural identity from a spatial point of view, shaping an imaginary place formed by the hybridisation between Ancient Greece and the Orient. Literary and critical texts will be analysed together with visual texts and geographical maps and, in order to investigate a wider context, discourses from imperial ideology, odeporic writings from marginal positions and geographical studies from the same historical period will be added to the main corpus of works

    Kdm7a expression is spatiotemporally regulated in developing Xenopus laevis embryos, and its overexpression influences late retinal development

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    Background: Post-translational histone modifications are among the most common epigenetic modifications that orchestrate gene expression, playing a pivotal role during embryonic development and in various pathological conditions. Among histone lysine demethylases, KDM7A, also known as KIAA1718 or JHDM1D, catalyzes the demethylation of H3K9me1/2 and H3K27me1/2, leading to transcriptional regulation. Previous data suggest that KDM7A plays a central role in several biological processes, including cell proliferation, commitment, differentiation, apoptosis, and maintenance. However, information on the expression pattern of KDM7A in whole organisms is limited, and its functional role is still unclear. Results: In Xenopus development, kdm7a is expressed early, undergoing spatiotemporal regulation in various organs and tissues, including the central nervous system and the eye. Focusing on retinal development, we found that kdm7a overexpression does not affect the expression of genes critically involved in early neural development and eye-field specification, whereas unbalances the distribution of neural cell subtypes in the mature retina by disfavoring the development of ganglion cells while promoting that of horizontal cells. Conclusions: Kdm7a is dynamically expressed during embryonic development, and its overexpression influences late retinal development, suggesting a potential involvement in the molecular machinery regulating the spatiotemporally ordered generation of retinal neuronal subtypes